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Career as Occupational Psychologist

Stream : Health Science
Sub Stream : Occupational therapy

Occupational Psychologist

Occupational psychology is the study of how the work environment impacts the behavior and performance of workers. The goal of occupational psychology is to help organizations to create a better work environment that will increase productivity and satisfaction among their employees.

The field of occupational psychology emerged in the early twentieth century as a way for social scientists to contribute to solving problems in industry. In fact, some academics consider it as one of the first applied disciplines in psychology. Occupational psychologists are typically trained at graduate level, with courses that cover topics such as industrial-organizational psychology, organizational behavior, organizational development, leadership and management.

A person with a degree in psychology who is certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology and has at least two years of supervised experience in psychology.

An occupational psychologist assesses an individual's suitability for a given occupation, or evaluates the work environment to see if it can be made more suitable for the worker.

Occupational Psychologists are the professionals who can help people in their day-to-day lives. They offer a range of services to make sure that people are happy and satisfied with their jobs.

Job responsibilities: Occupational Psychologists are responsible for assessing the work environment, identifying problems, and providing solutions to improve productivity. They also help employees cope with stress and other mental health issues that arise from work.

Eligibility in India: To be eligible for this profession, one has to have a Master's degree in psychology or a related field.

Scope: Occupational Psychologists can find employment opportunities in hospitals, schools, private clinics, government agencies, non-profit organizations, or even companies.

Payscale: The payscale of an occupational psychologist ranges between Rs 20 lakhs

Occupational Psychologists are experts in the field of human behavior in the workplace. They are responsible for understanding how people behave at work and how this behavior affects their performance.

The eligibility for becoming an occupational psychologist is a Masters degree in Psychology or a related field. The payscale varies from country to country, but it ranges from $40k to $100k annually, depending on the experience and qualifications of the psychologist.

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We follow a top to bottom approach. Our career counselors in the face to face counseling session would first discuss whether Occupational Psychologist is a suitable career option for the student/child or not. If the reports shows that child does have the aptitude, personality and interest required for this particular career, then the counselor will guide him/her about the scope, job opportunities for Occupational Psychologist and also help with the entrance exams, colleges, courses, private tutors etc for this career.

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